Legacy of Black African Ancestors in Ancient Egypt: Voodoo

Publié le 8 août 2023 à 20:08

The origin of voodoo would be in sub-Saharan Africa, this endogenous religion spread in southern Nigeria, in southern Benin and in southern Togo. It probably comes from a tradition of Nigeria, which passed to Togo, which returned to Benin in a spiral movement. Voodoo would be a heritage transmitted from generation to generation by tradition and then mixed with the foreign religion, Western Christianity.(Photo Dutty Boukman)

However, its interpretation varies between insiders, Western researchers like Philippe Charlier, director of the research and teaching department of the Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac museum, and professional consultants (Marabouts, charlatans). African insiders are unanimous that the origin of voodoo dates back to ancient Egypt, which they declared in writings to have received from an ancient wise and powerful people, perhaps the Atlantis people, as stated in the various works on voodoo. , the Beninese Sylvain Kuassi (The invocations of the merkabas of the psalms) or the Malian writer Doumbi Fakoly (The paths of Maât).

Originally, this traditional art was used by initiates to know the destiny of the individual through his genius, to help him give meaning to his life and reconnect with the Divine. Unfortunately over time, voodoo has been demonized by the Christian religion, perverted by two-penny itinerant merchants called marabouts, charlatans or false voodoo priests (commercial or seller in boubou) who only seek enrichment while the elders , real voodoo priests like Dutty Boukman in Haiti (ceremony of caiman wood) never monetized this sacred art, they could however accept a present in thanks for the service rendered. It is a universal heritage bequeathed by the Africans of ancient Pharaonic Egypt known thanks to the immense work of Professor Cheick Anta Diop (Nations nègres et culture) with Professor Théophile Obenga (L'Etat fédéral d'Afrique noire : la seule issue) on the contribution of his science, his culture, his knowledge to humanity. . Unfortunately, Africans have sunk into total ignorance and amnesia of their glorious past. Father of mankind by teaching wisdom and knowledge to those who would create the next Greek, Roman, Western civilisations, an ancient Egyptian proverb states "He who understands music then he understands the cosmos".

Patricia E. Bath (Photo)

The black community of the 21st century

If our black African ancestors living in Egypt were inventors, scientists or philosophers, what about Africans or the black community in the 21st century? There are few black people who have received a Nobel Prize in literature or peace like Barack Obama's 2009 contested because of America's wars! Or the model of black success is limited in dance, sports and music in the minds of the youth of the black community because of the advertising propaganda of the sponsors of these celebrities. These lost young people were limited only to dancing or music. Fortunately, there are men and women worthy successors of the ancient Egyptians who brought their genius to humanity like the Senegalese professor Cheick Anta Diop for the African continent in the 20th century and African-Americans, most unknown to the general public. like Daniel Hale Williams who was the first surgeon in the world to have performed open-heart surgery (United States) or Philip Emeagwali, one of the "founding fathers of the Internet network" (Nigeria) but there are also women like Patricia E. Bath who invented the laser for cataract extraction (United States and Trinidad and Tobago). Many did not understand that it is thanks to these black geniuses that people like former US President B. Obama were able to rise to the post of President of the United States or US General Colin Powell. Voodoo allows you to know yourself and become a genius through creation or discovery and not in fetishism which is only the cult of the dead according to the statements of the president of the association ONG LA PHE and writer Sylvain Kuassi. So anyone who creates or discovers a thing, is a genius who has voodoo, knows his FA his destiny, nothing to do with talismans or spells. The black community should dream of becoming "a genius" for humanity.


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