Environment, cost of living, immigration... and suicide ?

Publié le 8 août 2023 à 19:57

In England and Wales, there were 44 608 deaths and 2 905 deaths registered in May 2023. According to the organization “Office for National Statistics”, there is a net increase of 9.5/100 between 2017 and 2022 for England and 5.8/100 for Wales.

However at the global level according to WHO figures for the period 2019, the United Kingdom occupies the 116th place with a rate of 6.9/100, the prize list goes to poor non-industrialized countries with a small population with Lesotho in first place.

In view of these figures, it is quite surprising that suicide is still a taboo subject in 2023 in the United Kingdom when it should be one of the main subjects of politics because it affects all social strata of the British population ranging from a young wealthy person to an old and sick person. News topics are important but we should not neglect this sensitive subject which is suicide.

The question is to know why such a high rate which continues to increase over the years?

A suicide is considered to be all deaths resulting from a deliberate act performed by a person who knew perfectly well or hoped for the fatal outcome. This is how a suicide rate is defined, now we need to know the main causes that lead these desperate people to the final outcome;

1. Psychosocial risks such as mental disorders, alcohol dependence, substance abuse and major illnesses

2.Socio-economic risk factors such as job loss, financial debt, divorce

3.Socio-cultural risk factors such as lack of family or social support, difficulties in accessing health care


Who are the people most vulnerable or at risk ?

According to studies, these are the young, the elderly, immigrants, homosexuals (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender or intersex), alcoholics.

The observation is a progression from year to year of death without there being a real policy of struggle, this evil is the result of a society in total drift which has lost human values ​​to turn to success individual, new technologies, greed, a century ago, people weren't so desperate or lost to take their lives! It is necessary to recognize the efforts of the policies in the search for solution in the care of the human body but the polls show that there is more disease related to the spirit at the mental level.

We can only note that there is urgency in the face of this national problem which would be a political subject which would unite the whole of the political class instead of dwelling on subjects which annoy and divide the British.

Aballo Pierre BOKONAKE

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