Publié le 18 août 2023 à 19:40

The intelligence service would thus be defined as a public administration which does intelligence (collection and processing of information) on the grounds of national or public security, by various means: interception of communications, espionage, surveillance of individuals, cryptanalysis, evaluation of public information.

Nothing new for the average citizen because the intelligence service through these agents carry out the noble task of ensuring the security of people and property on the national territory and abroad where these nationals, the companies, are located. What becomes very interesting is to know if it is really the executive power embodied by the head of state or a representative elected by the citizens who controls these intelligence services in the various economically powerful countries like the United States. , the European Union, Russia, China, the United Kingdom to name but a few countries. The answer could surprise but that is not the case, besides most of the democratically elected heads of state in the so-called democratic countries have been chosen and designated so that they are elected, the vote is only one mere formality. For those who have consulted the previous articles, they will be who is behind this whole circus, it is quite simply the men and women of finance who work for the few powerful families who control the world through the banks and the money production. So in summary, heads of state, rulers, monarchs are all dependent on the world of finance, the political world is an instrument or a tool of control but how to submit these politicians? The answer you know is the intelligence service, the armed wing of international financiers who all know each other because they are family members who have kept their tradition despite being a little scattered around the world, they are always united by the bond of economic philosophy. For them, the notions of nation-state has no meaning in their globalist vision, principle of concentration of power. Politicians, like people in the world, are clowns who come alive through entertainment desired by them.

A world lost in entertainment

Total pleasure in the commercial press, music, cinema, sport which are like drugs to put to sleep and subjugate the population which has completely lost its sense of reflection, its critical sense. Dancing, singing, killing, hating, enjoying life carefree, this is one of the unofficial political programs of this global elite. Since the beginning of the 2000s, we have witnessed the decadence of humanity live, technology, telephony and the Internet have contributed to this, the media press no longer informs but conditions these listeners, yesterday's information is the even today it is the names that change and the dates but the context remains the same, music, cinema are industries that have replaced educational institutions for young people who are the first victims, adults are not spared but the main target is the youth, the next generation of tomorrow. Sport and other pleasure activities also make it possible to divide individuals in the sporting field or to subject them to activities related to carnal pleasure. So it is not the one who is the most visible who is the most dangerous, do not trust appearances because it is those who hide invisible to the public who are the most dangerous and powerful, far from the media light at the against movie actors or politicians. This role is well played by the agents of the intelligence service which occupies the second place of the podium after the financial institutions and banks.


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