Publié le 16 août 2023 à 19:42

The Clock of Humanity

The Moon does not emit its own light. It is illuminated by the Sun. We see its part which is lit, and the rest is in the shade. The Black Moon (New Moon) The phenomenon of the "new moon", or "dark moon", is a stage of the lunar cycle.

It corresponds to the moment when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. Which makes it almost invisible to the naked eye. In an astrological chart, Lilith (the Black Moon) represents a person's primal impulses and behaviors in their raw form. Full moon Unlike the full moon, the new moon marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. The moon is a satellite object between the earth and the sun. It is not a celestial body or star, nor a planet  (For more information see the astrophotographer's newsletter).


The term 'chance' or 'chance' has no meaning for anyone with a critical mind, the total lunar cycle of 29 to 31 days corresponds to the cycle of menstruation in women so the woman logically will use the moon as a personal clock and will give great importance to this star at the beginning of humanity. The moon was considered and still is as a symbol of life, a symbol of woman. Menstruation, by definition, is the flow of blood that appears once a month in women. We speak scientifically of menstruation, because it is part of the menstrual cycle, a cycle of 28 days, which prepares the body for a possible pregnancy. There are many other examples, the objective is to give readers a sense of questioning, a critical sense of certainties, but also to release commercial news in the major media. It is not surprising to find the moon or crescent moon emblem in several national flags in Arab-Muslim countries.


16 signs of FA (Photo)

The FA in the West African tradition of voodoo is composed of 16 particular signs which allows to know any individual who consults it. We know from astronomy that it takes about 15 to 16 days for the moon to go from one phase to another, from full moon to new moon and vice versa, so between 7 to 8 days to perform half cycle. No one can deny or question the assertion that humanity exists through the woman who gave it life with the help of man. The moon that does not speak and has been present for millennia should be taken seriously by humans and no longer considered an object of contemplation because everything exists for a very specific reason and it is not the result of chance.


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