Are we aware that not everything we perceive is pure reality?
And we owe it to the greatest personal manipulator; our brain. Before trying to get to know or understand someone, let's get to know each other first and everything else will be easier to figure out !

Human brain (Photo)
I. The wisdom of the ancients

Human brain with the pineal gland representing the eye of Horus third eye (Photo)
God of war, knowledge and death scandinavia Odin (second photo)
Different people in ancient times were aware of this, of the illusion created by the brain through the five human senses. The ancient Egyptians understood and discovered the solution to this problem related to the problem of the illusion of reality created by the brain with the eye of Horus or Ra, other people like the Hindus proposed awakening with the eye of the god Shiva, in Scandinavia with the one-eyed god Odin sacrificed his eye to have Knowledge. In all tales or myths, the enemy of Knowledge is ignorance thanks to the illusion produced by the brain which uses the eyes for sight, hearing for hearing, taste for savoring things, touch for feeling. objects, smell to feel. So when we see a thing or a person, the information received by the sight transmitted to the brain which translates the information to us as a computer is not totally true, even false because this "brain" computer is not well equipped , it takes activation of the pineal gland called by some the third eye to finally perceive the world around us. For example the color of the skin that divides humans, the criteria of beauty based on the physique, all of this should be questioned if we start by understanding the false reality. The brain would be like a magician who would play magic tricks on blind or ignorant people and unfortunately many people are in this situation.
II. Science versus reality
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge" Stephen Hawking

Max Planck (April 23, 1962 - October 4, 1947) Nobel Prize in Physics 1918 (Photo)
If religion remains silent on this subject and prefers to venture on things relating to the satisfaction of human desire, it is not the case with science and particularly with the branch of physical science; quantum mechanics thanks to the research of several physicists and scientists including Niels Bohr Danish physicist (07 October 1885-18 November 1962). They achieved two things; the reality of the world that we perceive through our senses and above all the hypothesis of the presence of an intelligent spirit which would be at the origin of all that is visible and invisible, in a word, everything. So everything that we believe incredible or impossible, that would not be in the world of the one who understood the functioning of the universe, for the ancients, it is the awakening to the third eye, the brain limits us, we weakens, divides us by false ideology such as racism.

This is why many monks, monks, hermits or men and women with Knowledge prefer to live far from so-called civilized civilization because of this savagery that they denounce and whose current events do not demonstrate the contrary. The Greek philosopher Aristotle said that man is destined to live in society but if he did not and preferred to live outside of society then he would be either a madman or a god.
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