An expression is sometimes quoted "there is no freedom without law" why does it take a law to obtain freedom and first of all what is freedom?
Freedom would be defined as a situation of a person who is not dependent on someone (opposed to slavery, servitude), or who is not locked up (opposed to captivity). Possibility, power to act without constraint; autonomy.
So freedom would be the total independence of body and mind to every human being, but then the law would not be a form of independence because it imposes something contrary to the individual. Nature teaches every day that individuals are all dependent, on the part of good physical preservation, by feeding it, by caring for it or by fitness exercises, all of this constitutes proof of dependence and therefore absence of freedom. Better still, some think or feel they enjoy the privilege of freedom compared to those who are in prison for faults committed contrary to the law, an expression of the common will. I am amazed to note that prisons sometimes have more privilege or comfort compared to those who claim to be free, the taxpayer's responsibility for the charges and costs of the prisoner, the awareness in a concrete way of his situation stuck in a cell.

Is the fate of the prisoner any different from the ordinary law-abiding citizen?
I doubt it because both are dependent by natural law or the preservation of life and not by human law. Science has demonstrated that the brain controls the five human senses which would only create a world of illusion, anything that appears to be true and real, would be pure illusion therefore a manipulated individual and anything but independent!
When is he of the spirit? Is it possible to achieve freedom?
Awareness of this is already a good start to start moving forward on the path to independence. Like a child, every individual must learn from these mistakes to move forward without external intervention, the thought precedes the act in general except in exceptional cases where this generality does not apply. A collective thought is not a guarantee of freedom like the creation of the law because it is the emanation of a group of people who concerted for its application on the whole of the population as in the political system of democracy, it is not natural this expression of the spirit but artificial with the aim of imposing an idea on others. While the one who follows a solitary approach in the search for freedom, this one will not be constrained by others in his approach to his salvation.
Unfortunately, the one who will have reached the comprehension of freedom because it cannot be acquired in the physical world, this one will understand that it is necessary an indispensable condition to obtain freedom. The philosopher Plato gave some explanation in his work "The Republic", the sage or the initiate who has obtained understanding, will know that this world is just one big open prison for everyone. And any action during earthly existence is only the fruit of a pure illusion for the ignorant, the savages because the first nature of man and woman at birth is an animal nature but the one who will have reached Knowledge which is also the understanding of freedom so it no longer depends intellectually or thought on the material, physical or visible world such as animals or objects of human creation.
But how do you get true independence related to the spirit of freedom or Knowledge?
This question does not concern wild women and men, nor the ignorant and the answer is so simple for those who have found peace synonymous with the spirit of freedom and not freedom of the spirit because the first is acquired by the way of solitary research and experiences while the second is purely illusion in the thought of savages or ignoramuses. Death is the "liberator" from this physical world, from this world of illusion. He is not freedom but an agent of freedom. True freedom is manifested by the conscious Spirit which cannot act in its true totality in the physical world because of the limitation or dependence of the human body, of the dependence on matter.
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