Publié le 14 août 2023 à 17:41

In any action performed, the state of mind of the individual is important in carrying out the act. Confidence is a luxury that few people can claim to have, there is self-confidence and the confidence of others, but the essential thing is to acquire confidence.

A praying woman with folded hands expresses self-confidence in her action (Photo)

The existence of any individual is punctuated by three factors; professional life, family or private life and relational life. In any case, you have to create a spirit or feeling of trust in the relationship with your employer, with your spouse and with your friends and family. Without trust, nothing can be accomplished with a feeling of benevolence and peace, but a feeling of betrayal will arise, if the person concerned has not yet discovered it, because in the event of a lack of sincerity, betrayal automatically comes. Unfortunately, many families, men and women, public authorities, celebrities, civil servants, businessmen/women do not have the confidence in them, the self-confidence which manifests itself in various disorders such as violence, betrayal, mistrust. Lying is the result of this lack of self-confidence and making it impossible to trust others. Many divorces, couple separation is largely the refusal to trust one's life partner, this also applies at the political level through diplomatic channels which do not give satisfaction, the parties do not trust each other and most often leads to a war, therefore a response to a feeling of betrayal.

A man and a woman holding hands expresses the exchange of trust (Photo)

Trust is a natural feeling that cannot be bought or negotiated on the market or in private, it is acquired over time, it grows with the trials that the people concerned go through like a plant or a child, it is necessary to regularly deal with them, improve on those mistakes because no one is perfect. It will not be possible for a person of a hypocritical nature or an expert in lying and concealment, it is a natural feeling that does not need to do much thinking or be a special genius, it is within reach. from everyone. There is a distinction between self-confidence and giving one's self-confidence but the purpose is the same, everyone must first acquire self-confidence which is the first phase which can last as long as possible depending on the character of the individual. After gaining trust then he can first "trust" his spouse, friend, family member or employer but "giving trust" is a risky action, very dangerous for one. who does it to a vile, hypocritical or lying being because he reveals everything to him with his heart, all his secrets. The consequences can be dramatic, leading the naive individual to a depressed state, even to suicide through disappointment, as in the sentimental domain. This is why it is not advisable to give one's confidence because the human being is by nature bad and hypocritical, a rule well known in the diplomatic world and in the intelligence world. The only possible case is a true intimate relationship such as a married couple or a master and his disciple.


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